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Jonathan Bullock
1 min read
Find Your Why
“The concept of WHY is a deeply personal journey born out of pain. I discovered the idea at a time when I had lost any passion for my...

Jonathan Bullock
1 min read
“For a few hours, I sat on a street curb in solitude thinking of my mother and of how she “would be saddened to see my once tender heart,...

Jonathan Bullock
1 min read
The Trillion Dollar Coach
“Bill looked for four characteristics in people. The person has to be smart, not necessarily academically but more from the standpoint of...

Jonathan Bullock
1 min read
Steve Jobs
“I always thought of myself as a humanities person as a kid, but I liked electronics,” he said. “Then I read something that one of my...

Jonathan Bullock
1 min read
Insane Mode
“If we were going to be stuck with cars, I figured we might as well let this guy make them electric so we can at least stop pumping so...

Jonathan Bullock
1 min read
Elon Musk
“If the rules are such that you can’t make progress, then you have to fight the rules.” The book captures the full spectacle and arc of...

Jonathan Bullock
1 min read
Bad Blood
“How to make money at Theranos: 1. Lie to venture capitalists 2. Lie to doctors, patients, FDA, CDC, government. While also committing...

Jonathan Bullock
1 min read
The Peter Principle
"In a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence". SUMMARY: The book is a hilarious and witty masterpiece about...

Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
The 48 Laws Of Power
“Law 2. Never put too much trust in friends, learn how to use enemies. Be wary of friends—they will betray you more quickly, for they are...

Jonathan Bullock
1 min read
How to Win Friends & Influence People
“You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people...

Jonathan Bullock
1 min read
How To Lead Smart People
“As a leader, job number 1 is to keep your followers enthused and aligned to your purpose: you are seeking that discretionary extra...

Jonathan Bullock
1 min read
Radical Candour
“When bosses are too invested in everyone getting along they also fail to encourage the people on their team to criticize one another...

Jonathan Bullock
1 min read
How To Lead
“The first third is getting an education or training for a future career; the second third is focusing on building your career,...

Jonathan Bullock
1 min read
No Bullsh*t Leadership
"Step1: Define your starting point. Keep it simple and be honest (even if it is painful). Step2: Define your end point. Don't...

Jonathan Bullock
1 min read
Readers Eat Last
“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” The book explores what it takes to...

Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
Leadership Without Ego
“A Scarce Resource: The biggest shortage in the world is not oil or food—it’s leadership. Why is it such a scarce resource? Because egos...

Jonathan Bullock
1 min read
Leading With Authority
“We live in a momentous time in human history, one that has never offered more abundance and opportunity. But these times have also...

Jonathan Bullock
1 min read
Rising Strong
“Compassionate people ask for what they need. They say no when they need to, and when they say yes, they mean it. They're compassionate...

Jonathan Bullock
1 min read
Dare To Lead
“I define a leader as anyone who takes responsibility for finding the potential in people and processes, and who has the courage to...

Jonathan Bullock
1 min read
Start With Why
“People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe” SUMMARY: The book teaches leaders...
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