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Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
5 Operating principles to live by
How well do you and your team operate every day? If you are achieving some success then you are likely operating fairly efficiently. Have...

Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
Every CEO should have a weekly newsletter
Communication is one of the key functions of every CEO or founder. Every leader will have their approach to how they communicate and the...

Jonathan Bullock
1 min read
3 ground rules all accountable leaders adhere to
Accountability necessitates a personal awareness of our position and duties, productivity objectives, achievement criteria, primary...

Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
How should a tech startup founder use their time?
It is usually a very difficult transition for founders to make from being the leader of a fledgling tech startup still in the early...

Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
Why you should be running regular one-on-one sessions
When done correctly, one-on-ones have the potential to greatly enhance team productivity, morale and engagement, so, let's begin with the...

Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
How to align your executive leadership team with new strategies
If your whole team is rowing in the same direction, your company will stand out from the crowd. Unfortunately, most management teams...

Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
How to react as a leader when a key team member resigns
It's never easy to lose exceptional individuals. It creates more work for you and the other team members who must jump in to fill the...

Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
The 3 essential qualities of a leadership team
When selecting a leadership team, credentials are important, but CEOs do not depend only on a CV. Past successes, academic degrees, and...

Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
5 top tips on how to be an effective remote leader
Some people were already working remotely before the pandemic, but it has since become a way of life for entire businesses and teams....

Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
How do great leaders communicate to create momentum?
Leaders who generate momentum and influence the future are not usually the greatest at making speeches, but they have learned to...

Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
5 characteristics that can help you lead better
Great leaders are the driving force and the brains of their organisations. They are the strategists steering their brand away from...

Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
Are you asking the right questions?
At school, we're trained to provide well-structured responses to get a good grade. At work, everyone seems focused on finding solutions...

Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
4 mistakes most managers make when it comes to leadership
There are many managers but only a few good leaders. Simply holding a leadership position does not make you an effective leader. The main...

Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
4 ways to stand out from the leadership crowd
For years, I've told emerging leaders that the main way to accomplish excellence is to come up with unique ideas and new ways of doing...

Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
6 futureproof leadership qualities
It can be challenging to consider the future when today is so complex, but at times of unpredictability, staying one step – or many steps...

Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
4 essential tips for new leaders
It's exhilarating to take your initial steps in any field, and this can be especially true for leadership. After all the effort you've...

Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
How to lead effectively during uncertain times
We are in the midst of a challenging situation that has no modern-day precedent. Good leaders are required in organisations of all shapes...

Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
Be the leader your team needs, not the leader they want
Everyone needs someone to drive and motivate them. People frequently look to their leaders for such encouragement. This makes sense on...

Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
4 tips for delivering tough messages
When's the last time you had to deliver a tough message to a group of people? Even if you head up the best team or the most effective...

Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
Importance of a recognition culture in the workplace
I am frequently shocked by how businesses, occasionally even human resource managers, react to the topic of appreciation. One senior...
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