“The first third is getting an education or training for a future career; the second third is focusing on building your career, perfecting skills, and rising to a senior position or a position of responsibility and leadership; and the final third involves receiving the benefits—financial, psychic, public recognition—from the level of achievement attained in the second of these phases.”
SUMMARY: The book gives leadership knowledge and insight from many legendary entrepreneurs such as Warren Buffet and Oprah Winfrey. It is packed with nuggets that the author, David Rubenstein, collected from his direct discussions with these giant successes over the years.
TAKEAWAYS: In this insightful leadership guide you will learn leadership lessons from the remarkable experience of real life successful legends across industries – people like Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos. You will learn how to tap into your unique sense of inner guidance that is priceless to your authentic path to success. You will learn about the inevitably profitable power of putting impact and purpose first in your entrepreneurial efforts. You will be challenged to open your mind to new perspectives of marketing. You will discover – through the credible experience of others – how to use your story as well as your suffering to fuel learning and successful leadership including innovating, problem-solving, and decision-making.
READ IF: You are a leader, an aspiring entrepreneur, or a business person who wants to learn from the top success stories.