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Jonathan Bullock
1 min read
Great At Work
"Who wants to 'work dumb'? But many people do in fact work dumb because they don't know exactly how to work smart." This book dives deep...

Jonathan Bullock
1 min read
Getting Things Done
"Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them." This book is a step-by-step guide for stress-free productivity. The core idea is that...

Jonathan Bullock
1 min read
Find Your Why
"Fulfillment is a right and not a privilege." This book is an actionable guide to discover your mission in life and to share it with the...

Jonathan Bullock
1 min read
Eat That Frog
“Continually remind yourself that one of the most important decisions you make each day is what you will do immediately and what you will...

Jonathan Bullock
1 min read
Do The Work
"The pain of not doing it is worse than the pain of doing it." The book is Steven Pressfield’s follow-up to The War Of Art, where he...
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