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Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
Product Led vs Commercial Led startup… which one is better?
There are two main options when considering the best growth philosophy for a startup - being product led or commercial led. It is a...
Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
4 mistakes most managers make when it comes to leadership
There are many managers but only a few good leaders. Simply holding a leadership position does not make you an effective leader. The main...
Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
Four things every leader should understand from PMs
Product management and the how-to of it have been written about many times. The truth is, there is no exact right way to properly manage...
Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
4 ways to stand out from the leadership crowd
For years, I've told emerging leaders that the main way to accomplish excellence is to come up with unique ideas and new ways of doing...
Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
6 futureproof leadership qualities
It can be challenging to consider the future when today is so complex, but at times of unpredictability, staying one step – or many steps...
Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
5 reasons why your top-performing staff are leaving
While it's natural for any business to have a certain level of staff turnover, it's critical to understand why people leave, especially...
Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
How do you measure product market fit?
There is an agreement in the startup world about the critical importance of product market fit for every new business. That is not up for...
Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
What are the two metrics every company needs to be measuring?
How do you know if your startup is successful? Well, you measure it of course and compare your metrics against your goals. No two...
Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
3 ways to get rid of the blame game culture in the workplace
Almost every toxic boss I've had the misfortune of encountering was a true master at shifting blame. I've researched toxic leadership...
Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
Good Product Managers always seem to do these things well
In my career I have consistently worked with product managers. It’s impossible not to doing the cross-functional roles that I do. I...
Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
4 essential tips for new leaders
It's exhilarating to take your initial steps in any field, and this can be especially true for leadership. After all the effort you've...
Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
How to work effectively with a remote team
Remember the days when collaboration was as simple as dropping by someone's office or scheduling a face-to-face staff meeting? Effective...
Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
What is product-market fit and why obsess over it?
Achieving product market fit (aka PMF) is an important milestone in the journey of all important startups. Why? Well, when PMF is...
Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
3 advantages of a positive workplace culture
Many managers claim to grasp the importance of a positive workplace culture, so why is it often pushed to the side? The answer is...
Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
5 benefits of employee empowerment
Being a leader involves helping people carry out their duties without continually micromanaging them. When employees can work...
Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
Three elements of every viable seed stage startup strategy
Startups don’t become successful by accident. Creating and growing a startup is a risky proposition and at any point in time, you are a...
Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
How to lead effectively during uncertain times
We are in the midst of a challenging situation that has no modern-day precedent. Good leaders are required in organisations of all shapes...
Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
Be the leader your team needs, not the leader they want
Everyone needs someone to drive and motivate them. People frequently look to their leaders for such encouragement. This makes sense on...
Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
4 tips for delivering tough messages
When's the last time you had to deliver a tough message to a group of people? Even if you head up the best team or the most effective...
Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
4 ways to recognise your business's strengths and limitations
Every company has its strengths and limitations, but few leaders take the time to identify them. Understanding your strengths will help...
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