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Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
Elevate your presentation with greater SUBSTANCE
Congratulations, you have created your presentation. It is good but not great and while you have created something you aren’t confident...

Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
The 1-2-6-10-20-60 rules of slide writing
If you haven’t created a slide deck before or maybe it has just been a while it can be a daunting process to create all that content....

Jonathan Bullock
1 min read
George Orwell's '6 rules for writing' to guide your presentation!
Writing doesn’t come naturally to everyone. Yet for your presentation, you will need to not only write but write well. Slides do not have...

Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
A quick guide to harmonizing your presentation
As you are probably an entrepreneur, your presentation is very likely to contain all the right business and financial content that it...

Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
These are the slides that your fundraising pitch deck must have
Crafting the perfect pitch deck and including the right content to convince the VCs to invest is a stressful process. There is a lot to...

Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
Write your pitch deck faster with these 10 hacks
A winning pitch deck takes time to write, and it isn’t a process you can rush, if you want it to be good. However, from my own experience...

Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
10 tips to reduce the complexity of your pitch deck
The age-old acronym KISS or Keep it Simple Stupid is just as applicable when it comes to creating your pitch deck as it is anything else....

Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
The 5 stages of writing a perfect presentation
Writing a pitch deck is not something you can do the night before. It takes time to craft it perfectly and considering the stakes it is...

Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
Every VC pitch needs to have these 3 elements
Whether this is your 1st time pitching to VCs or not, you are probably aware of the importance of how well you present and therefore the...

Jonathan Bullock
2 min read
The 6 things you need before creating your pitch deck
Once you and your board have made the decision to seek funding from VCs you will be tempted to start creating your pitch deck. Don’t....
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