There are various challenges that leaders of all levels regularly face. One that often proves particularly tricky is how to become a more effective communicator. Most leaders mistake good communication with how often they pass on information to their people. But effective communication involves much more!
Fortunately, you can do something about it: include one basic question in your leadership toolkit. This question will help you to gain clarity and will inspire open communication with your employees, not to mention a deeper feeling of shared responsibility and accountability.
This 'magic' question is: "Have I given you all the information you need?"
But how does this question boost productivity and drastically improve performance?
It provides clarity around what's required
A leader's inability to communicate often stems from their failure to offer useful feedback and listen to what others have to say.
By asking this question, you're making sure you understand what your team members needs are from you. This enables them to get on with the job in hand.
It encourages active listening
Team members quickly grow dissatisfied with leaders who are poor communicators, particularly those who do not listen to their people.
Choosing to listen actively makes discussions more collaborative and gives your team a sense of shared ownership, motivating them to do their very best.
Effective communication enables employees to communicate more openly, achieves greater clarity and encourages the exchange of ideas and solutions.
It shows you care about your people
By asking this question, you are saying to your team, "I don't want you to merely carry out your job. I expect you to give it your all. For that to happen, I need to make sure you have everything you need from me."
This approach allows you to communicate more effectively and provide your team with the tools and information they need to thrive, rather than simply perform. It shows them that you value what they do and that their contribution matters.
TAKEAWAY: By asking the question "Have I given you all the information you need?", you will foster a greater sense of people engagement and empowerment and will show your team that you are invested in their success.