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VC Target List Database


VC & Partner Database; plus filtering tools

“JB's support in creating my VC target list, and finding Partner names plus contact details, is worth the price of the Fundraise Fast-Forward package alone”   

(Series B Chief-of-Staff)

Yeah, I get this alot.  Actually I should probably just give the entire rest of the Fundraise Fast-Forward package away for free and just charge for this bit of the service.   But then you won’t value and respect the rest of it as much, and I wouldn’t get real customer feedback to keep improving it.  Anyway, back to the VC target list tool.

It’s simple really, we have a chat about your fundraise objectives, current network and reach-outs to date.  Then I use my proprietary database of ~10,000 VCs to provide you with a draft set of qualified target list VCs and associated set of partner contacts.  You can then use that as the basis of your fundraise strategy, adding, prioritizing and refining it to your heart’s content.

Is it perfect and guarantees success?  Of course not.  If it was, I would be charging a % of your raise!  But it is way better than 80-20 and saves you hours and hours of time on VC websites, going cross-eyed on linkedin and paying a gazillion dollars for PitchBook only to have to make their search function work.

My playbook highlights more examples and screenshots of these databases, so do check those out first.  All VC partners linkedin and twitter are included, and about half have email addresses.  The database is global in nature and is continuously being updated.  VC partner breakdown is:

  • UK VC Partners & Potential Angels List (~2100 contacts)

  • EMEA (exc UK) VC Partners List (~3000 partners contacts)

  • APAC VC Partners List (~2000 contacts)

  • AMERICAS (inc USA) Partners List (~10000 contacts)

I also throw in a directory of all the free and paid web sources of VC and partner lists we have found.  They vary from great to crappy, but you are welcome to them as well.  The reality is that you don’t really have time to crawl through all of that to work out who-is-who and how to connect with them!

And before you ask, no I can’t share open access to my whole database.  And no it isn’t unlimited free follow-up point requests for the email of partner XYZ.  We will build you a great solid list, and if you don’t have success there we can always have another workshop and refresh the list with a fresh wave of VCs and partners to contact.

Now all you have to do is work out your connection to them and turn on the charm…

>> Contact Me To FFwd Your Fundraising <<

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