Storyboarding & Narrative Template
I have already written a pretty extensive “how to” guide on this whole topic. Following that you should be able to crack, or at least start, the “story” game of your pitch. Just open up the post it notes, find a sharpie and blank wall…
This tool just helps you go a bit faster and a bit more digital. After all you are most likely going to collaborate on this with a co-founder, chief-of-staff, mentor or colleague.
By laying out all the standard slides / heading, and providing the background story structure you can instantly start to drag and drop your story into place. It actually gets even better than that as a standard set of pitch stories are already set-up for you and ready to customize.
But there’s more. More, you say…
If you were paying attention in my PlayBook at the end you will see there is a step to turn your storyboard into a running set of headlines. That step is important as it helps to crystalize the narrative in a way that knowing the general topic of a slide can’t get to. In this tool there is also a set of outline headline flows you can use as a starting point. Again, not the answer but certainly help fast forwarding things a bit!
Wow… you say. Yeah right… wow. You are welcome.