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Leadership Level-Up


Level-Up Your Leadership

I get asked this a lot by COOs, CEOs and senior Executives…

“How can I engage with you on an ongoing basis?  I have lots of smaller but important operational questions that I would love to get your quick independent view on”.

So in response I created my Leadership Level-up program.

Let’s partner so I can help you with the biggest personal challenges you face in your operational role.


What is the Leadership Level-Up?

You get my expert ops support, helping you navigate the challenges you personally face as your business and role scales.  I bring some fresh eyes and help you figure out what to do.  Having been a COO, spent years as a CoS and mentored 10s of CoS including amoung others Sundar's (Google's CEO) and Susan's (YouTube's CEO) - there isn't many situations I haven't seen.

Basically, I act as your personal trusted advisor and expert confidant. You can tell me everything you can’t tell your boss, co-founder or board; and don’t want to tell your team or peers.  Think of it like a friendly face who can help you through difficult situations at work.



How does it work?

We kick things off with lunch or dinner so I can get to know you and understand your situation.  Then we simply arrange a regular weekly 45 minute zoom chat.

Additionally you can ping me anytime on WhatsApp with questions or for input.  And if there is something urgent we can jump on a quick call.  We manage it month-to-month, and build a relationship for the long-term.  It’s a partnership, so I don’t clockwatch or bill by the minute!

Easy peasy.


Which topics do we cover?

I have found that having a bigger picture anchor structure to guide us helps to provide a framework and stimulus for our level-up conversations.  We discuss your broader level-up goals upfront and then select one of my leadership level-up playbooks to provide the core outline to your program.

But don’t worry we are also flexible and cover week-to-week whatever is top of mind to you.  It might be something stressing you, an opportunity you are considering, or a topic you need help to deep-dive into. 

Challenge shared; challenged halved.

Piece of cake.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the price of a Leadership Level-up package?

The price is tailored to your needs, but starts from $2k monthly depending on the level of support you want and need.  We can adjust this as we go.

I am an investor; can I get your help coaching some of my portfolio COOs and CEOs?

Yes, I partner with a number of VCs to help them generally coach their portfolio and cohorts.  However for one-to-one coaching of a COO or CEO, the engagement must be directly with the executive.  This solves any confidentiality and conflict-of-interest type issues up front.  It also ensures their buy-in!

Do you provide general management training to groups?

No, generally not.  I typically work one-on-one with leaders to level-up their skills and their specific challenges.  I do have a number of partners who I introduce you to who can provide more general management training based on the leadership approaches that I use.

Where are you located, and can we meet in person?

I am based in London, but travel a lot and am set-up to work with clients internationally.  Given the more personal nature of leadership level-up, I always like to meet people in person if possible at the beginning and end of the program.  Mostly though the program is delivered by zoom, and supported via WhatsApp.  Given these logistic reasons I currently restrict my coaching to people based in Europe, Middle-East and Africa.

Do you work with non-Founders or corporate executives?

Yes absolutely.  The fundamentals are the same.  My main focus is COOs and Senior Ops Execs.   Sometimes I work with CEOs and General Managers who are keen to become more operational.   Occasionally I work with Senior Chief-of-Staff who are seeking to soon step-up into a COO role.

What seniority do you recommend for the level-up programs?

The level-up program is not for junior team members.  Generally I find that 12 or more years of professional experience are needed to get the most out of the level-up program.  You will have had some line management experience and likely managed 10s of people.  You will also be working directly with the CEO and Board members.


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